Oak Leaf with
Basket Stamp

Basket Stamp with
Old Time Border

with Knife Sheath
and Custom Knife
Knife Sheath, Custom Knife and
Holster Inside
Horse saddlebags made to last! Nothing looks as classy as leather on the trail ride or downtown in a parade. Working cowboys still use saddle pockets riding the range. Quality craftsmanship and trail handy features in our Sharp horse or mule saddlebags include adjustable straps, with buckles, that hold the gusset in place so you can tighten or loosen the buckles accordingly (depending on how much gear you have in your saddle pockets that day). When your horse or mule gives a "shake" your trail riding gear doesn't fly out. Sharp saddlebags are 11 x 11 with a 3 1/2" gusset. Plenty of room for a sandwitch, rain slicker and other important trail riding gear.
Horse saddlebags make a great gift item for the horse lover, or the working cowboy. If your not a horseperson saddlebags fit over the tank, or seat, of a 4 wheeler. Saddlebags also look great in a western theme home decor, or over the rail at the hunting cabin. Saddlebags can be thrown over the shoulder as a purse or for school books.
Add a gun holster, or knife sheath to your saddlebags or maybe initials, ranch brand, name or ranch logo. Please contact us to discuss your holster or sheath needs. All leather colors available and any designs on our entire website can be hand stamped on our custom saddlebags. All Sharp saddlebags are made in the USA with USA materials, where possible. Leather is USA rawstock, tanned in the USA. Nothing beats the look, feel, and smell or REAL leather. Please contact us if you would like us to try and match the color of your saddle and we can also try and match the stamp or carving design in your saddle. Please call to order.